Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label leadership. Show all posts

Dr. Jekyll and Mr/Ms Hide

 WIKIPEDIA ::.....
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde is a novella by the Scottish author Robert Louis Stevenson first published in 1886. The work is commonly known today as The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeDr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, or simply Jekyll & Hyde.[1] It is about a London lawyer named Gabriel John Utterson who investigates strange occurrences between his old friend, Dr. Henry Jekyll,[2][3] and the evil Edward Hyde. The novella's impact is such that it has become a part of the language, with the very phrase "Jekyll and Hyde" coming to mean a person who is vastly different in moral character from one situation to the next.[4][5]

A strange world straight from a  1886 novella

Many organizations host split characters disguised behind title and empowerment .  On the one hand, you can have a manager or leader who presents themselves well for executives, leadership or bosses (Dr. Jekyll) while being quite the nightmare when they are dealing with employees (Mr or Ms Hide). 

That's where the play on words for this title comes from.  There are people in organizations who are genuine, friendly and personable in front of their leadership and bosses, then quite the nightmare for the employees they supervise.  They "hide" their meanness and vindictive behavior.  

When an employee goes off the rails, Dr. Jekyll readily labels the employee as a "troublemaker".  The company takes the trusted Mr. Hide's word.

As always, my writing reflects various topics on business and leadership, without revealing the source, as a means of communicating real problems that exist in companies.

Whistle blower or trouble maker?
Most organizations have protected themselves from publicity or public scrutiny by activating measures that are designed to allow employees the freedom to express concern without fear of ramifications.  What happens when their manager, Mr. Hide, labels them as a trouble maker? Is that label open for examination or accepted as truth?

Some organizations set out policies and processes to allow employees to express concerns about their managers under various feedback forums and surveys.  It is not surprising that it is a fear injected process or a tattle tale curriculum.  

It seems to always work out in the movies that Mr. Hide is easily identified by the audience without much effort.  Hollywood likes to show how whistle blowers are often discriminated against or labelled negatively in order to protect Mr. Hide's mistakes and not held accountable to making slanderous career-limiting identifiable labels.  

So is a whistle blower really a trouble maker?
How about an employee who follows the companies process only to fall victim of being labeled a trouble maker.

What happens, and it does, when a whistle blowing culture evolves into tattle tales that are lodged as a complaint to disguise a bullying environment or clique that discriminates against their colleagues, who was hired and held up to scrutiny in the same fashion.  

Only in Hollywood is the offensive tattle tale  exposed as a means to discredit someone else as a means to avoid being discovered to have the wrong behavior.   If someone is doing something that is wrong ethically, why is it that their best defense is to go on the offensive?  

Whistle blow or tattle tale?
A whistle blow is not held in the same characterization as a tattle tale.  Yet, the most sophisticated, well-intentioned organizations can fall into this trap.  They have a hard time distinguishing between the two:  whistle blow or tattle tale.

How accountable are organizations in finding managers or leaders who are quick to judge or label employees?  Where does the benefit of the doubt come into the equation?  Who finds fault with guilt until proven innocent allowed?

Often, whistle blowers become us versus them.  The more controversial the claim, the more likely a whistle blower is labelled as a trouble maker.  Even Hollywood loves such a plot:  the underdog versus Goliath.  

Why even bother expressing concerns of unprofessional conduct of a manager when one knows that they will only be labelled as a trouble maker, easily expendable?

Why not examine the differences between a tattle tale and a whistle blow?  If it is easy for Hollywood and Televisionland to identify the culprit in the story as someone who accuses someone else of doing something wrong in order to protect themselves from being found out, why can't companies?

Seems like an easy plot, easily identified with, but rarely considered in the real world.

I get that a complaint lodged has to be examined and considered without bias.   So why do companies allow the manager who is not trained in mediation to be the one to taint an employee's reputation or damage their record?

If a manager knows that an employee has a reasonable concern, why would they go on the offensive instead?  We understand that drama in the workplace is disruptive and toxic.  Yet so is bias from managers.

We must consider that the drama that unfolds can be more likely because someone is protecting their own reputation and in so doing, tries to destroy the reputation of another.

The situation at hand was where an employee considered a workplace romance distracting and toxic to their work environment.  As proof, they decided to take a picture of the cozy duo to bring forward to discuss with the manager.

What exploded was the offenders not only discriminating against the observer, rallying together and calling the battle cry with others to  lodge a formal complaint against an individual.  That individual could have just denied taking a picture because nobody had seen a picture, just the act of taking a picture.  Why wouldn't drawing in a crowd to the incident, harming someone's reputation, placing them as the subject of gossip be considered just as harmful to a positive work environment?

Meanwhile, the offenders are allowed to go into Tattle Tale mode::.... if one reports an incident and makes it sound very disruptive, it is easy for the company to label who the trouble maker is.  Right?  Well, unfortunately, in real instances, the trouble maker should be considered as the parties who lodged the complaint to remove their own unprofessional conduct and transplant it onto someone else.

Wag the dog
Is a descriptive used in themes whereby in order to avoid a controversy, the person(s) at the center of a potential controversy creates drama or an explosive claim or action in order to avoid fielding anything negative or drawing attention to their own poor behavior.

Companies fall into this trap for many reasons.  One could hypothesize or guess that at its core would be legal disasters or damaging reputation being paramount.  In the two instances I am familiar with, confidential sources private, the person or persons lodging the complaint were immediately defended and protected.  The subject of the complaint was not.  Companies don't always have a means to protect the subject of a complaint.  They may not even defend the subject or examine whether the complaint was a proactive defensive offensive move.

It isn't surprising when the person in this situation decides they have nothing more to lose, because they have already been labeled and motions are made to make it uncomfortable for the employee, pushing them to leave the company.  Case dismissed.  Problem solved?

Hardly.  Companies can be their own worst enemy.  They allow skewed perceptions by untrained managers to mediate, defending them-selves and the tattle tale, allowing anyone to be labeled a trouble maker.  Behind closed doors.  Conversed openly with other managers, a nail in the coffin on employable opportunities within the company that would otherwise allow an employee who could prove greater value if they were to move elsewhere within the organization to flourish and contribute more.  Never mind if it were to be leaked while an outside job search is considered.

The employee told me that a central manager displayed a white board outside their work area "are you comfortable with being uncomfortable?"  That seems to communicate the strategy of making life so unbearable for perceived trouble makers that they have little choice but to look for employment elsewhere.  The company loses.  They have gone through the expense to hire, train and coach such employee, increasing in cost when they've been there for a couple of years.  That is a drain on finances and strains resources by stretching other employees to make up for the gap.  It also may take a while to fill in the position, along with expense to bring the next person up to the same level of knowledge and training as the employee that was forced to be so uncomfortable they decided to leave.

In the scenario that was confided to me, the manager's boss, must have seen that whiteboard that displayed those words.  I am writing this blog because I have faith in most leadership.  Such a display of tactical efforts to rid the company by the manager's labeled undesirables or trouble makers would shock others as much as it did me.   It makes it easy to see the tactical culture where one is squeezed to leave, because it is right there out front and centrally displayed and communicated.  Being an optimist by nature, I would think that leadership would be shocked but such display and discipline to the manager's scribe instigated, demanding it be removed.  Unfortunately, if other leaders have been in the area and not done anything about it, it could suggest they endorse the strategy.

While unemployment is higher than average, it shouldn't mean that employers allow managers to take a vice grip style on managing employees.  Ready to scoop up anyone they decide is harder to manage than most, and tactically allowed to pressure employees to leave.  Not easily identified.  Except in this instance by its exact words, the displayed quote on a whiteboard can indicate that it is a philosophy shared not only by the manager, but by the manager's leadership.  Including the boss and the boss' boss, if circulating among staff is a company directive.  

Then again, any employee could observe such an aggressive stance on managing employees out the door.  If they were to take a picture of toxic, discriminatory behavior, they can fall prey to being labeled undesirable, a formal complaint initiated.  That person's career within that company doomed.

What bothered my confidential subject the most was that they were considered guilty long before any investigation was launched.  If they had asked anyone's advice beforehand, they would have been told "deny, deny, deny".  So why not lie in this instance?  Just say that they did not take any such picture for evidence of the cliquey, toxic workplace.

Instead, the employee didn't lie.  They were honest and apologetic, agreeing that their approach was not necessarily the right approach.  However, they did say that they did reach out to the offenders, with proof shown to the investigators, that they did try to resolve the offensive behavior privately between the employees.  Instead, the tattle tale culture prevailed and allowed the victim to become the defendant.  Sound wrong?  

It sounds to me that good intentions can become misaligned when people are caught doing something wrong and then are allowed to disrupt the work environment by making claims that move the spotlight from themselves to another party.  The assumption of guilt can be misplaced when a complaint is launched.  How many companies actually examine whether the complainant(s) are more disruptive and toxic than the party to which they are trying to shift the blame to?

That is what it appears to me anyhow.  What do you think?  Worth considering by companies who have created a tattle tale culture under the guise of allowing coachable feedback to be the norm.

I guess that is usually when the media or Hollywood intervene.  It becomes great plots where the underdog goes up against the great Goliath, the company.   The truth eventually prevails and the underdog becomes triumphant when their reputation is restored and the wrongdoers are identified as the party(s) who launched the complaint in order to disguise their own misbehavior.  

If cheating on spouses among employees, whether real or imagined, is an area companies don't want to pursue, that is fine.  It is not my place to decide.  I just write about it.  However, creating a work atmosphere that allows such antics, a company is allowing toxic behavior to continue that can offend and impact other employees' values, beliefs and trust that the company will protect them against eroding cultural acceptance.

I'm optimistic enough that many leaders of company's would react the same way I did: of the opinion that some managers don't promote employee well being.

Or, taking a chapter from the parenting I had: a  tattle tale is often disciplined more than shifting to the person they are trying to blame.  Then again, parents know and recognize such a tactic.

Some cultural environments are not always in sync with promoting employee well being, even if their public-facing literature says so because it can be undermined by their managers' habits. 

Another example: allowing managers to reach out to communicate by email,  text or phone calls when employees are on official vacation.  That probably isn't a culture of well being underscored.  Instead alarm bells on such practice would be a good start for companies to consider.  Are they allowed to call a reported sick employee and justified by the belief that the employee may be dishonest?  One would think the screening process would be strong enough to identify potential recruits who fake illness to avoid going into work.  It demonstrates mistrust by a manager who is suppose to be an advocate and supporter of the employees that report to them.

My blog and writing is separate from any personal employment and past employers experiences, unless noted.  It is my personal opinion and avoids incriminating any specific corporate philosophy or employer,  past employer or company.  I write to create conversations that potentially change how leadership and business act.  I have not, up to this point, received any monetary endorsement, reward or income from writing this blog.  I honor the privacy of the individual(s) who trust me enough to share their stories and will protect their identity to avoid disciplinary actions taken against them and their reputation.

A visionary extraordinaire ::.... Philippe TREBAUL of Social Fave

Sometimes it's simply okay to be a fan or a Supporter.  I realized that unbiased and reciprocated respect is what makes one become an advocate for another person.  

The power and capability of social media is unstoppable, truly, as long as our imaginations continue to stretch and blend what is possible from the impossible.

The strength of character one needs to build a fantastic reputation, regard and respect can be captured in one person I've come to known, only communicating on social media, never a Skype or telephone conversation.  Where you have to be succinct in getting your words across, to be able to be snapped up, grasped and understood all at once.

I've meandered on here about how far you can stretch yourself to achieve new heights in your ability to discover who you really are.  How else can you lower your defenses and expose your true self, or explore the journey on figuring out who or what that means.

Along the way, you find people who just POP out of all the noise who you think:  WOWzers, this person REALLY gets IT!

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Here we go .... here are some links to some incredibly visionary, explicit and wise to take heed to.  Philippe unravels a lot of the mystique of social media that is far too long put off by traditional advertisers and their advisers, like ad agencies, who cannot really possibly charge exorbitant fees when their are social media MARKETERS willing to step in and step up in a fraction of the time and fraction of the price.  After each article link, I will post my own comments to show how much I enjoy being a Supporter, cheerleader, advocate, enthusiastic optimist of their success.

4 Social Media Tools to Get Marketers off the Treadmill

Great article, per usual Philippe TREBAUL .... not only will Social Fave be explosive in 2017, but its founder will be finally recognized as an extraordinary visionary of how far we can stretch social marketing to expand vastly and quickly.  Maybe I can learn how to become a better online brand, improved enough to generate an income ... eh?  Well, a trip to France at least to celebrate when you set the clock to end the free trials and it is sought after and paid for.  Distinguishing your current supporters from all others.  Wonderful writing.  Thank you ~ Jeannette Marshall aka @optioneerJM on Twitter as a fan

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3 Tools to Improve Your Social Media Marketing Right Now!

FANTASTIC Philippe TREBAUL .... WOWzers!  What an informative article and so factual with knowledge based insight.  You, my dear innovator, are catapulted into the stratosphere as not only a visionary on where social networking can take us, but the practical academic approach you have.  So easy to understand, obvious to embrace and supported by all the data you've absorbed.  I hope to see the day when you are given your due:  and to think, we started on LINKED IN six years ago, which allowed some of us to step outside our comfort zone a little but allow our gregarious natures to expound, others like you, Philippe TREBAUL have demonstrated convincingly how great this world is that is unfolding.  Thank you, your fan and advocate, Jeannette Marshall 

Build a 30-60-90 day plan ::.... TAKE II

"Build a 30-60-90 day plan" is trending as my most read #blog ever. I attribute that to having people like you out there to show me there is a pulse. My readers tend to be intellectual and low key. Absorbing and then drifting off into the night. No fuss, just amassing more information. 

Yes, they return. Highly recognized in the United States and rewarded with a 72% KLOUT score and top 1% KRED in the entire world. 

The topics I get recognized for are marketing, gratitude and a cross-section of a bunch of other things. This blog started out mainly as a byproduct of sales to end up evolving into a leadership read.  Like learning LITE.  . There is no difference between this and any other HR or psychological tests is my hypothesis, based on experience which blended into considered fact. I study demographics (you can look up The INbetweeners on Word Press Blog. Toss in psychographics into the mix, and you have a grasp of a generation, in sync as I live along my peers. As humanitarians, we can only consider each other peers. Not one smarter or better on any one topic or specialty, if not genius. 

That is why i created #bestofeverything which Google has finally, thankfully saved it as a intuitive hashtag completion for me. 

Thank you for all you readers that just seem to pop into my sphere, here, on my blog. I resonate with many of you who demonstrate that you want to plan, plan, plan, plan.  You recognize the quality and frequency on meeting your commit-ments is a core characteristic, as others do to their name.  

You have a burning need to execute on time yet not risk quality, exceeding all expectations and metrics and benchmarks. I honestly hadn't read this for a couple of years but because it took over "Hunter or Farmer blog: What kind of sales type do you wanna hire?" as top all time read blog, I thought I would read it. 

I will likely blog later by examining the different cultures I experienced while at Xerox, HP, or a regionally influential organization whom I will not name (unless I ask permission, receive it ... or you want me to name your organization ... for a fee .... to put the test to social media klout.  To poopoo the idea that IT has more insight into social media is like saying I can program something just by looking at the jumble of symbols it holds.  

Trying to evaluate if I'm having an identity crisis having 4 different blogs. Losing the argument with myself that I am multi faceted and not of any one silo. Unique. With strong convictions on matters to me. Which, happen to be more than a few things. Back to my original point: thank you readers, followers, sharers, PINners, INSTAgrammers that have be come friends (to say fans, would be disrespectful to the high calibre you are). 

I humbly accept your endorsement by your clicks. Hopefully, I can extract more quality meanderings (oh, the fashionista fighting her 50s diva trying to inject her personality to be the center of attention, go figure), to deserve your readership.

Feedback is important, as you are my teachers and coaches, so think of your Comments as advice. Whether you hated it or thought it sub par and why. That is the only condition to feedback, you cannot just make a blanket comment without something to back it up.
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"Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire." ~Napoleon Hill 

Leadership defined

"If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one."        ~ Mother Teresa

The Business Insider posted  12 ways to become a charismatic leader and I took note because leadership is one of my favorite topics.  Not because I, myself, am in a position of leadership in my career.  However, I have worked with and for some phenomenal leaders. 

The Richter scale of social influence

As one climbs the Richter scale of social influence, comes a responsibility.   Charisma is often associated with power and paid attention to.

As your following grows, so does the likelihood of clicks on articles you share.  If you are trying to become noted in the stratosphere, it is important to consider your reputation ... and what topics or topic you want to be known for.  

Consistency pays dividends.

In her book,  " The Charisma Myth:  Olivia Fox Cabane's says that people aren't born with charisma. They acquire it through knowledge and practice.

As a student and observer, I want to learn and adopt the attributes of a social media leader.  If you are midway, starting out, or think you've arrived, consider these important lessons.

The law of attraction:  

You don't have to be the prettiest lady or handsomest man to be at the top.  It helps to be attractive, but more importantly, your profile photo should communicate professionalism, confidence, poise and friendliness.


You interact with people.  You recognize those that take the time to comment, share, #RT or respond to you.  The talented ones will reply to you in a manner that you feel they've been paying attention to you. 


It is sometimes difficult to be ever-present.  Yet their are tools available to help you along the way.  You can thank people for their follow, share, #RT even if you are away working in real life, or participating in real life.  I plan to write about some of my favorite tools under a different post: so stay tuned.


Regardless of how many followers you have or the level of Klout you've been awarded with you have to remember that you were once at the bottom.  Don't forget that ever.  If you fail to acknowledge those that hold you in high esteem and only reply to those you think are on your level, or above, your star can fade.


Be aware of who or what you are saying.  It may become your destiny.  People are not drawn to rants, they are drawn to inspiration, motivation, knowledge and positiveness.  Similarly, for all the good you may do, sharing a porn post or image can disassemble all the good work you have done.  Case in point, I use a tool that shares the best images, yet sometimes nudity or erotica slips through.  I will go back and delete it.  Not because I am a fuddy-duddy, but because it is not who I am or what I want to be known for.


Be authentic.  People can sense this.  Unless you're a celebrity or politician that people follow because they want to watch how far you will push the envelope, you should be honest and trust-worthy.  Don't fall into the trap of voicing others, adopting as your own.  You will be caught.  The information is out there.


Don't call yourself an expert at anything.  That isn't for you to define.  It is a description that others award you with.  That doesn't mean you don't share, post or write about matters that you can convey confidence in.  For example, I write about sales success based on my own experiences.  I have the awards and recognition to back it up.  I've never been recognized online for anything.  My blog has never been included on any watch or read list.  Yet I'm comfortable sharing what I know because it was real.


Pay attention to what is going on.  If you decide to participate in a conversation or viral campaign, you can inject your opinion because you have paid attention.  


You have the ability to recognize talent.  You congratulate others achievements.  You champion their discoveries and you become a cheerleader to many people or causes that resonate with you.  If you become a champion yourself, you do it because you want to help, not to capture a piece of the pie for yourself.


You don't have to have a big ego to be successful.  Yet often many forget their roots and let their ego self go in their stead.  If that is who or what you want to be known for then continue at your own peril.  Eventually, people will see it for what it is and find someone more authentic to heed.


Don't fall into the trap of being a victim of your own voice, tweets, or posts.  Take the time to give credit to the artist, creator, musician, photographer you are sharing.  Some step on those who gave them a boost up and are captive to their own stuff.  Forgetting to mention where it came from, least others perceive it as your own creation:  that is stealing.


Don't become lazy and only rely on posting images, tagging others to increase your reputation.  Lend support and give variety to what you share.  Take two seconds and like, share or #RT something from one of your supporters, because that can add flare and interest.  You will be multi-dimensional and more intriguing.


Don't become too ingrained in one platform.  Be visible everywhere, re-inforcing your reputation and champion of others, positive messages or inspirational creations.


Author a blog on matters that appeal to you and the likelihood it will find you a following.  Be a content creator:  the true currency of social media.  A storyteller and informer.  Others may dabble in your discoveries or flock to your words.


Believe in yourself, be passionate for your cause, be honest in your interactions.  That is where the fuel is hidden that will leap you in front of those that matter:  the ones who find you matter.  Don't give up.  Be patient.  Your turn will arrive.  It just may not be the way you had planned, the journey can be different while the ultimate goal remains the same.


Be known for your warmth.  A safe haven to many.  An example for the discouraged.  You won't be known for warmth, if you are exuding power or ego.  Be satisfied if one person heard you.  You don't need to shout above the noise.   Have a reputation of kindness, be a leader in goodness, promote peace and humanity.  Share your knowledge for the goodness of everyone. 


Be true to yourself begets confidence in your message.  It is easy to doubt yourself or compare yourself with others.  Be sure you are unique.  Be the example you have always wanted to have.  You are not an imposter if you are saying your own words.  You have just not been discovered yet.


Notoriety is the path you set on customized to your voice.  Fame is fleeting while notoriety lives forever.  What is your legacy?  What would you want to be remembered for?  Are you on a path towards a great destiny?  Will it be to help others, lead the way, uncover great opportunities?  Those should be your goals, not fame.


Money is considered important in various degrees.  What it means to different people is a formula that can be unique.  Good fortune does not always happen in currency.  It can mean happiness, health, love, family, knowledge.  Philanthropy is bestowed upon only the very few of wealth with the privilege to do something with it.  Only a few do.  Define your own good fortune.  Mine is creativity.  It allows me to appreciate my unique talent in a way that allows me to embrace happiness, health, love, family and accumulate more knowledge.  To be shared.  To make the world a better place.


Set about to create your own mantra.  A statement about who you are and what you want yourself and the few you are lucky enough will follow you.  I want to be surrounded by talented people who work hard to make the world a kinder one.  I hope to help others become remarkable.  In their own way, in their own voice.  As their champion and cheerleader.