Build a 30-60-90 day plan ::.... TAKE II

"Build a 30-60-90 day plan" is trending as my most read #blog ever. I attribute that to having people like you out there to show me there is a pulse. My readers tend to be intellectual and low key. Absorbing and then drifting off into the night. No fuss, just amassing more information. 

Yes, they return. Highly recognized in the United States and rewarded with a 72% KLOUT score and top 1% KRED in the entire world. 

The topics I get recognized for are marketing, gratitude and a cross-section of a bunch of other things. This blog started out mainly as a byproduct of sales to end up evolving into a leadership read.  Like learning LITE.  . There is no difference between this and any other HR or psychological tests is my hypothesis, based on experience which blended into considered fact. I study demographics (you can look up The INbetweeners on Word Press Blog. Toss in psychographics into the mix, and you have a grasp of a generation, in sync as I live along my peers. As humanitarians, we can only consider each other peers. Not one smarter or better on any one topic or specialty, if not genius. 

That is why i created #bestofeverything which Google has finally, thankfully saved it as a intuitive hashtag completion for me. 

Thank you for all you readers that just seem to pop into my sphere, here, on my blog. I resonate with many of you who demonstrate that you want to plan, plan, plan, plan.  You recognize the quality and frequency on meeting your commit-ments is a core characteristic, as others do to their name.  

You have a burning need to execute on time yet not risk quality, exceeding all expectations and metrics and benchmarks. I honestly hadn't read this for a couple of years but because it took over "Hunter or Farmer blog: What kind of sales type do you wanna hire?" as top all time read blog, I thought I would read it. 

I will likely blog later by examining the different cultures I experienced while at Xerox, HP, or a regionally influential organization whom I will not name (unless I ask permission, receive it ... or you want me to name your organization ... for a fee .... to put the test to social media klout.  To poopoo the idea that IT has more insight into social media is like saying I can program something just by looking at the jumble of symbols it holds.  

Trying to evaluate if I'm having an identity crisis having 4 different blogs. Losing the argument with myself that I am multi faceted and not of any one silo. Unique. With strong convictions on matters to me. Which, happen to be more than a few things. Back to my original point: thank you readers, followers, sharers, PINners, INSTAgrammers that have be come friends (to say fans, would be disrespectful to the high calibre you are). 

I humbly accept your endorsement by your clicks. Hopefully, I can extract more quality meanderings (oh, the fashionista fighting her 50s diva trying to inject her personality to be the center of attention, go figure), to deserve your readership.

Feedback is important, as you are my teachers and coaches, so think of your Comments as advice. Whether you hated it or thought it sub par and why. That is the only condition to feedback, you cannot just make a blanket comment without something to back it up.
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"Reduce your plan to writing. The moment you complete this, you will have definitely given concrete form to the intangible desire." ~Napoleon Hill 

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