BE THE FORCE on social media

Experimenting with creativity

If you put yourself "out there" in social media, you have to be prepared for the spoils.  On the one hand, you are trying to attract attention, on the other hand, you are avoiding the wrong kind of attention.

Facebook has opened its borders to me seemingly.  At first,  I reacted with "WOW, how cool".  It quickly faded and now boils down to annoyance.  It seems so many want to bring you down into their cesspool of corruption, dishonesty, scams, cheating and porn.

I have clearly identified myself as happily married to a wonderful man who began the journey of blending two families of teenagers at the time, three of them girls.  I know, clearly, madly in love.

It is perplexing to me how many ignore reading that simple bio detail:  "Married".  Makes you wonder if that term is an aphrodisiac to the unfulfilled or cheaters of this world?  

If you are going to circulate in social media, you should follow some simple and clear rules:

DO NOT private message anyone without asking         permission first.  

DO NOT assume that your audience will be as thrilled with your dick as much as you are.

BE PREPARED for your private message posts with images to be shared on your page where your employer, clients, friends and family hang out.

 DO NOT do anything online that you are not prepared to come back to haunt you.

 DO NOT share pictures of yourself drunk, disorderly or in situations that your future employer will discredit you by.

 DO NOT abuse the power of influence you have by using your words to abuse, bully, objectify, rant or vocalize a cause unless it is against such causes.

 BELIEVE IN YOURSELF you don't need likes, shares, favorites or retweets to tell you that you are beautiful, talented.  Let your family and loved ones do that for you in your presence.

 BE KNOWN FOR respecting women and applauding their accomplishments, not their looks.
GUARD YOUR REPUTATION  as though it is a newborn babe.

STAY AWAY from those who are out to tarnish your good name. 

YOU ARE WHO YOU ASSOCIATE WITH:   as in real life, the rules don't change because one is hidden behind a keyboard.

SURROUND YOURSELF with those that align with your values.

REINFORCE YOUR CREDIBILITY  by having those more knowledgeable in your sphere of influence.

BE POSITIVE and share uplifting, inspirational, motivational messages, images, quotes and stories.

BE THE FORCE that promotes harmony, peace, and humanity with an undertone of humility.

REACH HIGH and you will be cast wide with your words of wisdom, helpfulness, knowledge for the lost to discover a new optimism.

BE THE PERSON you were meant to be.

ME BEING ME  working on becoming the person of my own destiny.  Have a look and tell me what you see :::

I had thought that I had posted this yesterday - goodness me, at least I remembered writing it, lol.  I did a VLOG later on and even referenced it.  The 3 or 4 people that viewed my video may have thought I've lost it .... perhaps my memory yes.  Alas, here it is.  I think it is appropriate to merge the two messages on to this one post, thus I am posting the video herein to blend the message:  OWN your reputation online.


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